Read the first few chapters here



Mental Health for Kidz (Teens & Adults)




  9. Authors Note


13. Preface


15. Introduction


18. Chapter 1. So what’s really going on?


21. Chapter 2. Trapped emotions


30. Chapter 3. Mental health


37. Chapter 4. Summary


43. Chapter 5. Removing trapped emotions

      Method 1. Happy thoughts

      Method 2 .Visualising your inner lake

      Method 3. The Notebook

      Method 4. Inner peace meditation


74. Chapter 6. An example


89. Chapter 7. Conclusion


94. Chapter 8. Important Points


111. Chapter 9. Bullying


126. Chapter 10. Depression


133. Chapter 11. Self harming


137. Chapter 12. G.A.D


139. Chapter 13. ADHD


141. Chapter 14. Eating disorders


144. Chapter 15. Drugs & Alcohol


147. Chapter 16. Symptoms


149. Chapter 17. Final Thoughts


152. Other recommended books and videos


153. Useful Resources



Authors Note


This book is the result of a forty-five year journey studying a vast range of subject matter on the workings of the human mind.


The journey incorporated topics such as psychology, self-help, mental health, wellbeing, self-awareness, personal development, depression, bullying, meditation, peak performance, various religions, energy healing, shadow work, emotional health, NLP, hypnotherapy plus many other related subjects.


As well as walking the path of life and being fully immersed in the range of experiences inevitable as you progress through the years. Including experiencing various mental health problems along the way. 


It’s a tough journey at times for all of us and for some unknown reason I have always been fascinated by how this journey can be made easier.


A sort of calling to work it all out and this has driven me now for the best part of my life. I have tried just about everything to improve my life in every respect, materially, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually and in the pursuit of this goal I have learned so much.


And I have actually succeeded in many areas but I believe this is a never ending process; there is always another step forward you can take. I guess this is the point of it all to learn and grow as you progress through life.


However at this stage of my journey the fog is finally dispersing enough that I can now see much more clearly.


And guess what?


The secrets to life are a lot simpler than I ever thought. And it seems you must tread this long arduous path alone as you work your way to this realisation.


There are no shortcuts, at least none that I am aware of.


So you have to traverse all terrains and go through all the experiences of life to seek out and truly know the truth.


And of course no two journeys are the same, so it’s a unique path to you that only you will walk.


I guess this is the beauty of it all.


It really is a personal journey of the soul and my hope is that my experience can maybe benefit and help you in some way.

I have tried my best to explain what I have learned in simple terms and hopefully this will make this book more accessible and useful to more people.


However if only one person has their journey improved in some way by reading my book then I will have succeeded.


And please note this book is about a new approach to the mental health crisis with a focus on the younger generation, absolutely ‘yes’ but it is also a useful tool for adults that may need a fresh approach and as a by-product it is also I believe a helpful guide on how to walk the path.


The two go in hand so to speak.


This book is available on Amazon in kindle and paperback formats at a nominal price of £1.99 and £5.99 respectively.


It would be helpful if people bought a copy of course but I don’t want that to stop people having access to this book, so I have also made if free.


The sold copies will help pay for the free copies because I believe in this work and don’t want it to be out of reach for anyone, this way everyone can have the chance to read it, if they so desire of course.


Free copies will be sent out weekly to organisations that predominantly work with young people in the mental health field.


As well as related charities, psychologists, schools, colleges, mental health practices, life coaches, private individuals and any other organisations connected to this genre.


And because we have an electronic PDF version it can be sent anywhere in the world so we will endeavour to do just that.


You can request a PDF copy from (this website) or fill in the form for a paperback copy (UK only) and please if you value the book pass it on, share it or tell others how they can obtain a copy.


Anyway I hope you enjoy the book and I wish you the best of luck on your own unique and amazing journey.


Bon voyage!





The world is currently in the grip of the worst pandemic in history, ‘the mental health pandemic’ and this is taking its toll on children and young people like nothing ever seen before. Latest statistics say 10% of children in the UK are now experiencing mental health problems.


There are unprecedented amounts of suicides, mental breakdowns, cases of depression, anxiety, drug abuse, self-harming, eating disorders, alcoholism, ADHD, bullying and many other issues erupting like wildfires within the younger generation.


This plague is wreaking havoc across the world and young lives and families are suffering the consequences, as it scythes through the younger generation like a hot knife through butter.


The repercussions are horrendous as it infects and reaches deep into society at some point inevitably touching every one of us.


Nobody goes unscathed and it seems impossible to stop with governments and health services stretched to breaking point due to the utter magnitude of it all

And not only the young but people of all ages are crying out for help as the world desperately searches for answers.


This book I hope offers something of a lifeline because it brings a new way, a new perspective, explained I believe simply enough so that virtually anyone reading it should be able to gain a better understanding of what is happening.


This candid viewpoint empowers the reader to be able to make a stand and hopefully in their own case at least, go some way to stopping this pandemic in its tracks.


Knowledge is key here but for it to be beneficial and effective on a large scale it has to be basic and simplistic enough, which I hope and feel has been achieved. This plague of the mind can be beaten and turned back but we must spread the word how to as many people as possible if we are to achieve this.


And we must come to a common understanding of what we are up against and then apply practices that can begin turning the tide. It starts with you, and after reading this book you will know what you can do to get the ball rolling. It really comes down to one simple thing that requires a little effort and that is change yourself and show others how to do the same.





‘You must be the change you wish to see in the world’


-Mahatma Ghandi


It’s actually very easy to change your life for the better and in the process address many of the mental health issues that lots of us are facing.


All you have to do is understand in a simple enough way what is going on inside of you and then have an easy to implement practice to follow, that will change what is going on inside of you.


This is because the life you are immersed in and experiencing is a direct reflection of what is inside of you, so to change the outside you need to change the inside.


I know to some this may sound a little far fetched but if you do some research you will soon find many revered teachings confirming this line of thought, even Buddha said this over 2500 years ago:


‘Since everything is a reflection of our minds, everything can be changed by our minds’.



So let’s get started, coming back to the present times all across the world right now all we seem to hear about is ‘mental health’ it has become one of the hottest topics of this era.


And it appears just about everyone is suffering from it in one way or another with new problems being identified and labeled virtually by the day.


It is fast becoming a global health crisis which appears to be out of control and the world it appears is struggling to cope.


I am not disagreeing with this assessment however I believe in general the answer is not so complicated and this ‘mental health crisis’ that affects all of us in one way or another can be turned around if we understand and approach it in the right way and when we do that our lives will change dramatically for the better.


So the more people that gain a simple understanding of why this is happening and how it can be corrected the better because this is the core controlling factor that determines every aspect of your life.


And of course some mental health problems may be due to conditions not covered by this approach but in general I believe the solution given in this book will help in the majority of cases.

So before I explain what this ‘mental health crisis’ is and then look at how changing what’s going on inside of you is the solution, I want to alter your perspective slightly and give you an alternative way to view it all.


Chapter 1


‘If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration’.


-Dr Nicola Tesla


So what is really going on?


The first thing I would like you to understand is that you live in a world that is in fact made up of energy.


Yes that’s right everything you see around you including your physical body is actually energy, which in its basic form is atoms, which consists of a nucleus with protons and neutrons whizzing around the centre, these microscopic atoms are pulsing and vibrating. The house you live in, the car you drive, trees, furniture, food, animals etc are all made up from these tiny particles, any scientist or physicist will confirm this. So if you are made from energy (atoms) and all energy vibrates then at some level you must be vibrating?


This is correct; you are constantly vibrating even though you can’t directly sense this happening, although you can indirectly sense it through the fluctuation of your moods as you go through your day.


One minute you may be happy and feeling joyful the next you may get some bad news and suddenly feel down and depressed.


This happens all the time as you encounter the ups and down’s of everyday life. This is you sensing your energy vibration, through the way that you feel.


When you feel good you are vibrating fast and when you feel bad your energy vibration is slowing down.


That makes sense because fast vibrating feelings are joy, excitement, happiness, peacefulness and love etc and slow vibrating feelings are anger, fear, anxiety, depression, jealousy, greed etc. So the spectrum range of feelings goes from fast vibrating ‘love’ down to slow vibrating ‘fear’ with all the variations in between.


So you can see how it works and why everyday of your life you experience many different positive and negative feelings as you ride up and down on the vibrational roller coaster ride.


It’s a muti-vibrational energy experience in every sense of the word and the reason I want you to understand this is because in the next chapter I will explain how your emotions are also energy and how they play a massive role in determining how every aspect of your life works out

If you follow the practice of maintaining the state of awareness that everything is energy, then you will see why keeping yourself in as high a vibration as possible is extremely beneficial to you in every conceivable way.


This new way of thinking and being, is called high vibrational thinking.


‘Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way’.


-Albert Einstein



Chapter 2


‘90% of all the pain we experience is due to emotional baggage, trapped emotions and those energies stay with us and cause much of our diseases and self-sabotage’.


-Dr Bradley Nelson

(The Emotion Code)


Trapped emotions


Next I want you to understand that essentially as soon as you are born you are compromised through the genes you inherit and then the immediate environment that you are born into. This is because of the trapped emotional energies contained initially within the inherited genes and then, that you accumulate through the experiences that you encounter as you are growing up.


Generally this involuntary programming happens mainly in the first seven years of your life when you are very receptive to what’s going on around you and acting like a sponge in terms of readily soaking up the energies that you are subjected to. So when you are in the vicinity of other people who have powerful negative emotional moments, like heated arguments filled with anger, exasperation, frustration and fear etc, some of the energy generated can unfortunately become absorbed by you.


And this can leave you with some of that emotional energy trapped inside of you, which builds up and adds to the residue that you have already accumulated.


Trapped emotions passed on down through your genes is known as epigenetics and this is the same for everybody, it’s nobody’s fault, it’s just how we are all influenced or you could say programmed.


Even the close people to you such as family, neighbours and friends etc, are operating under the affects of their residue of negativity and have no idea when they display highly charged negative emotional states, that you could inadvertently take on board some of those energies.


Many other experiences add to this residue of energy such as living in an atmosphere of worry, stress, unhappiness, poverty, unworthiness, hate and fear etc.


And eventually this ‘stuck emotional energy’, this reservoir of sludge will begin manifesting through you and this is when it can cause you to react instinctively when similar negative circumstances pop up again. In other words you automatically start behaving in a similar way (getting angry, frustrated, worried etc) when triggered, solidifying the trapped emotions even further in the process, which just keeps them firmly trapped within you.


This is how your personality begins to form and this is all part of you being molded by the emotional energy that you have involuntarily inherited and encountered into the person you will be.


When the bulk of the energy you are habitually experiencing is predominantly negative, which is usually the case as currently it is estimated that the average person’s thoughts are 80% negative in nature and 95% repetitive, it can become the dominant energy form displayed by you, potentially manifesting in a number of different ways.


Such as making you prone to angry outbursts, mood swings, even violent behaviour, sulks, addictive tendencies, severe bouts of anxiety, depression, argumentative, self-pitying, antagonistic, bullying, self-harming, arrogant, vindictive, predatory tendencies, a worrier, stress head etc.


Plus many more negative behaviour patterns and traits that humans can fall into. It could manifest through you in any of these ways depending on your personality type, genes, sensitivity level, previous experiences, etc. When this happens essentially this means your trapped emotional energy is expressing itself through you and this keeps you stuck in a more negative vibrational place.

And this energy spectrum or range is generally where you will spend the majority of your life because you will be monitored by your inner negativiey (inner gremlin), on a daily basis as it triggers you from within to provide it with a steady dose of negative emotional energy.


So the negativity you carry within determines where (vibrationally) you will spend most of your time and ultimately your life will be constantly tainted by the most dominant energies contained within this mix.


This is the major factor that defines you and this also determines how difficult your life path will be and a lower vibrational type of upbringing (full of negative energy) would certainly be very influential in making you a more negatively minded person and potentially lead to a more unhappy life filled with problems.


And this massively affects your mental health increasing your chances of suffering in some way. Although it should be also said you can still have mental health problems even if your childhood is spent in a very positive environment. It’s not quite as simple as a high vibrational upbringing means no mental health issues and a low vibrational upbringing means lots of mental health issues but it is a fair indication in most cases.


There are lots of other factors at play but essentially this is how it works. And I am not saying this book will help everyone but I do believe in the majority of cases it will help. So please read with fair discernment and common sense taking the information on board and using what you feel may be beneficial.


Now back to the accumulation of trapped emotions, which would essentially be holding you down at a slower more negative vibration than where you would be naturally, if you didn’t have it.


This would cause you to experience in general the corresponding more negative life that is in harmony with this lower vibrational state of mind. You would be stuck in a vibrational place where potentially you have much more chance of developing mental health problems.


On the other hand if you grow up in a loving, joyful, happy home with lots of positive energies around such as joy, fun, thoughtfulness, caring, love etc and you don’t inherit much negativity through your genes, then you will generally exist at a fairly high vibration.


This will be the energy spectrum or range that you from then on usually display and spend the majority of your time in.

From this you can see how important and influential your parents, family, friends and the immediate environment that you happen to be brought up in are.


If you are fortunate enough to have very high vibrational parents with little inner negativity to pass on down to you and you are surrounded by other happy positive people you will reap the benefits.


This ensures that you will tend to be in general more positive in nature and your life will have much more chance of being happy and content. And again in respect of your mental health this will decrease your chances of suffering with problems.


Its no coincidence that many people that have a loving, positive, happy upbringing go on to have successful and happy lives, they have less getting in the way. They are fortunate enough to be carrying a smaller less influential and damaging ball of inner negativity, so in effect they have ended up with fewer inner demons to contend with, they have a less powerful gremlin messing with them from the inside.


Like energy attracts like energy so dependant on the amount of inner negativity you have accumulated determines what you will naturally draw into your life, the type of partner, job, friends, wealth, health etc.


So in general what is inside of you is what you gravitate to on the outside. The more trapped emotions you are carrying (the bigger your gremlin) the more you will attract people and circumstances with a similar amount or a gremlin of similar size.


And although you pick up many of your trapped emotions during the hyper sensitive early years, you also pick them up as you go through your life, especially when you have highly charged intense emotional experiences such as going through a divorce, a job loss, relationship breakups, serious accidents, severe illness, bereavement etc, so as you can see it’s always an ongoing process.


And when you go through one of these highly charged intense emotional experiences it can be so distressing that you may suffer what is referred to as PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder), which basically means you have experienced an exceptionally severe drop in vibration due to the severity of what you have been through.


Or put another way you have suddenly taken on board an unprecedented and large amount of slow vibrating negative energy and this has plunged or dragged you down the vibrations, leaving you stuck even further down than usual in an extreme negative state.


Your gremlin has gorged itself on the negativity generated and rapidly increased in size and power.


This is when you may see a person really start to struggle to maintain their lives, which could even lead to extreme outcomes like homelessness, alcoholism, drug addiction, a fall into crime; relationship breakdowns, serious ill health etc, and in a worst case scenario even develop suicidal tendencies.


The exceptional drop in vibration is just too much to cope with and they desperately need to find relief from the overwhelming and foreboding feelings that are now engulfing them.


If you find yourself trapped in the lower vibrations and it is even more intense if it has suddenly happened to you, then you will experience the energies that exist there and the further down you are the worse it is and this will spill out infecting every area of your life.


You are a totally different person depending on where your vibration has settled.


And this is why we see many people who are trapped down here behaving in ways that may seem massively out of character.


They cannot help how they act because they are now essentially a totally different person and the majority of us would be influenced to behave in exactly the same way if we were in their shoes.


So please don’t be too quick to judge others because you don’t really know where they are vibrationally and they may well be trapped in a very difficult state of mind through no fault of their own.


They will need all the help, love and understanding they can get to overcome this.


They need help to get them back up the vibrations and this is easier said than done. (continued).........