Our new book




You only have to look around to see the utter devastation that is currently being wreaked upon society.


Not far from your own doorstep in virtually any town or city, anywhere in the world, you can find broken shattered traumatised young people, aimlessly wandering and staggering around the streets. The day of the zombie is literally here.


They have been abandoned and are being eaten alive in front of our eyes by the cruelest merciless plague that the human race has ever witnessed. It has always been here but it is more powerful and destructive now than ever.


It’s frightening to see and it’s spreading fast with repercussions that are horrendous. Crime, violence, abuse of all kinds and the overall demise of society are getting worse everyday.


The life we once knew is slipping away from us.


And no it’s not the drug culture that has a death grip on our young; it’s something far more powerful and sinister. It’s something that is devouring them from the inside even though everyone is looking to the outside to apportion blame.


It plays on their tender unassuming naivety and rips their life from them as it gorges itself on their abundant and fresh innocent emotions. This truly is a demon, a beast of behemoth proportions and the name we have given it is the mental health crisis.


The drugs the young consume are initially simply a form of relief, anything to numb the terrible feelings swarming all over them, although the chemical addiction can soon take hold binding them even tighter in the clutches of the demons within.

Can you imagine what their poor families are going through?

And even younger children are affected too with mental health issues such as ADHD, self harming, anxiety disorders, depression etc and it’s all caused by the same thing, as it begins to stir within them. However this does not mean they are on the road to drugs and oblivion because it’s the really unfortunate and emotionally damaged that generally take that route but like the majority of us they will be affected to some degree.


We are all in this battle, some more deeply than others but mark my words we are all in it. And we are losing this fight because we can’t see our foe as it is shrouded in darkness hidden from our eyes.


Take notice, it is inside of you, even if you feel out of reach and are not aware of it, it is systematically and cleverly using every one of us to some extent.


And beware because it will be your children and grandchildren that are next on the menu and god forbid that they fall too deeply under its spell.


It’s time to wake up and see this demon for what it truly is and cast it from your being. It dwells inside of you and it feeds on your emotions, triggered by whatever it can use to fire you up.


It’s a monster within, an alien presence that masquerades as you, tricking you into thinking it’s your thoughts and feelings encouraging you to emotionally react. When in truth it’s not you, it is fooling you into giving it what it needs, which is negatively charged emotional energy.


It’s your anger, frustration, worries, stresses, hates, desperation and fears that fuel it, this is its food. An emotional diet that it’s using you to supply. And the stronger it gets the more control it has over you, so the more dysfunctional you become.


This book will show you exactly what is happening and empower you to take back control. As well as giving you four proven simple methods to overcome and release the demon force within. It is imperative that young people understand the dangers that lurk in their own mind and have the tools to correct things.


You will not find a simpler more easy to use approach than this, so please take heed.


Now is the time to take action and make a stand because if we don’t do something now, it will be too late.